Our Mission
We are seeking an environment where employees can complete their work day and go home uninjured, as healthy as when they started the work day. To accomplish this, it is essential to increase awareness of the services that the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Division of Education and Training offers, to provide
FREE safety and health training to more employers and employees and provide
FREE confidential safety and health consultation services to facilities and organizations or groups requesting those services.
Governor's Safety and Health Award
KYSAFE Mobile App
The KYSAFE app is a resource from the Kentucky Labor Cabinet's Division of Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training, also known as KYSAFE. Use the app to stay up to date with occupational safety and health events and information. The app contains nine (9) major functional areas, News and Notes, Information, Program Contacts, Webpage, Messages, Toolbox Talks, Report Hazards, Standards, and Feedback.

The Safety Pays Program raises awareness of how occupational injuries and illnesses can impact a company's profitability. The program features multiple tools to help employers estimate costs from workplace injuries.
The Safety Pays Tool uses data collected from thousands of workplaces to provide businesses with the opportunity to compare their workplace safety record with their industry peers.
The Individual Injury Estimator focuses on how much a specific injury could cost a business.
Through these tools and related resources, the Safety Pays Program demonstrates the value of implementing workplace safety and health practices that keep employees safe while lowering costs due to work-related injuries and illnesses.

As part of his effort to reduce Kentuckians' reliance on addictive opioids and provide them with relief from severe and chronic pain, Gov. Andy Beshear signed Senate Bill 47 on March 31, 2023, which legalizes medical cannabis in the commonwealth effective Jan. 1, 2025.
As of April 18, 2024, the Program has filed 17 regulations establishing the processes and procedures for medical cannabis businesses and registered cardholders.
Items of Interest
Workplace Mental Health Fact Sheet
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a new fact sheet on Workplace Mental Health, which is now available.
The fact sheet provides workplaces with vital information and resources to address mental health concerns effectively and will be incorporated into the Introduction to OSHA module of the OSHA 10- and 30-Hour Outreach Training courses.

The 2023 Kentucky Small Business
Safety and Health Handbook is here!
Social Media
Videos of Interest