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​​Upon request, the Division of Education and Training  will develop and present technical courses which are tailored to meet the training needs of specific groups. These courses are available onsite at your facility, or to groups and associations. All course offerings are FREE OF CHARGE. If you are interested in scheduling a class, please complete a training request form or send a letter of request to:

Kentucky Department of Workplace Standards
Division of Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street, 3rd Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
FAX: (502) 227-0969


Below is a listing of courses we currently have available.

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  • Accident InvestigationThis session provides accident investigation information including investigation techniques and methods. Topics include identifying, examining, evaluating and preserving evidence, developing supportive documentation, and understanding costs incurred from accidents.
  • Aerial LiftsThis session provides an overview of safe operating procedures for various types of aerial lifts such as scissor and boom lifts. Topics include common hazards as well as applicable occupational safety and health standards for General Industry and Construction.
  • Asbestos AwarenessThis session provides basic information about identifying common asbestos containing materials and presumed asbestos containing materials, as well as recognizing asbestos hazards due to damaged or deteriorated materials. The presentation addresses potential health effects of asbestos exposure, methods to avoid exposure, and regulations to protect workers from exposure.
  • Basic Electrical SafetyThis session addresses the basic requirements related to the approval, installation, and use of electrical equipment and devices. The presentation is built around the general industry standards established in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart S, Electrical. Topics include installation of electrical equipment, commonly cited approval and installation violations, an overview of the equipment approval process, cord marking requirements, and basic hazards found in commonly made electrical wiring issues. The presentation includes group-based and hands-on learning activities.
  • Bloodborne PathogensThis session explains the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. The presentation examines how to reduce or eliminate employee exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials for employees with non-routine exposure, such as first aid responders. Topics include components of a written Exposure Control Plan, engineering and work practice controls, universal precautions, personal protective equipment, housekeeping, warning signs and labels, employee training, and recordkeeping.
  • Combustible Dusts/Hazardous MaterialsThis session addresses potential hazards associated with combustible dust in the workplace. Attendees will learn about identifying combustible dust, understanding the risks and hazards, laboratory testing, and how to prevent combustible dust explosions in the workplace.
  • Confined Space EntryThis session addresses the scope of 29 CFR 1926 Subpart AA, Confined Spaces in Construction and how it affects the construction industry from a safety and health perspective.
  • Crane Safety for ConstructionThis session introduces the various types of mobile and tower cranes used in construction. Topics include crane operations, crane inspection, maintenance, wire rope, chain slings, sheaves, drums, hooks, and load charts.
  • Electrical InstallationsThis session familiarizes participants with electrical standards and the potential hazards associated with electrical installations and equipment. Topics include cord-and plug-connected and fixed equipment, grounding, ground fault circuit interrupters, and portable generators.
  • Electrical Safe Work PracticesThis session familiarizes participants with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.331 through 1910.335. Topics include requirements for working on de-energized and energized electrical equipment, shock and arc flash / blast hazards, personal protective equipment, and other National Fire Protection Association 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace requirements.
  • Electrical Safety for ConstructionThis session explains electrical standards specifically relating to the construction industry. Topics include cord-and plug-connected equipment, assured equipment grounding program, ground fault circuit interrupters, and portable generators.
  • Emergency Action Planning (EAP)This session addresses EAP requirements. Topics include the purpose, requirements, and elements of an EAP, training requirements, and emergency exit route design features and maintenance.
  • Excavations and TrenchingThis session addresses 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P, Excavations. Topics include soil classification and instrumentation, shoring techniques, trench boxes, competent person, and excavation hazards.
  • Eyewash RequirementsThis session addresses the eyewash installation requirements established in 803 Kentucky Administrative Regulation 2:310, Medical Services and First Aid. The requirements of ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014 “American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment” are discussed.
  • Fall ProtectionThis session addresses the fall protection standards for general industry, construction, and associated industry standards. Topics include requirements to provide a fall protection system, description, and requirements for the various types of fall protection systems, training, and other requirements.
  • Fire Safety and ProtectionThis session introduces the participant to the recognition of potential fire hazards and emergency procedures. Topics include the chemistry of fire, types and effectiveness of extinguishing agents, means of egress, detection and alarm systems, fire brigades, fire prevention plans, 29 CFR 1910-Subparts E, Exit Routes and Emergency Planning, Subpart L, Fire Protection, and the National Fire Protection Association references codes.
  • Hazard Communication GHS/SDSThis session explains the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200, Hazard Communication, and an employee's "right-to-know" about the hazards of chemicals to which he/she may be exposed to on the job. Attendees will learn about the development and implementation of a hazard communication program, container labeling, safety data sheets (SDS), trade secrets, and employee training.
  • Hazardous MaterialsThis session describes the types, properties, handling, storage and health effects of hazardous materials such as flammables, combustibles, irritants, sensitizers, corrosives, carcinogens, toxins, explosives, water-reactives, compressed gases, pyrophorics, and organic peroxides. Related topics include risk assessments for hazardous materials and employer responsibilities.
  • Health and Safety Hazard RecognitionThis session provides basic procedures to identify potential health and safety hazards for persons responsible for safety and health in the workplace that lack expertise in industrial hygiene and occupational safety. Topics include how to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control health and safety hazards in the workplace. Other topics include the types of hazards common to the workplace and an overview of hazard monitoring methodology as well as the hierarchy of controls used to determine practical and appropriate ways to eliminate or reduce the likelihood or severity of hazards.
  • Health Hazard RecognitionThis session provides basic procedures to identify potential health hazards for persons responsible for safety and health in the workplace that lack expertise in industrial hygiene. Topics include how to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control health hazards in the workplace, types of health hazards common to the workplace, and an overview of hazard monitoring methodology.
  • Health Hazards in ConstructionThis session addresses basic procedures to identify potential health hazards in construction environment such as but not limited to noise exposures, respirator usage and chemical exposures.
  • Heat Stress AwarenessMany people are exposed to outdoor or indoor heat environments on the job. Operations involving high temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical contact with hot objects, or strenuous physical activities have a high potential for causing heat-related illness. This session addresses the basics of heat, your body’s metabolism and how it plays a role in heat related illness. Other topics include how humidity plays a role in heat exposure, how to a workplace for heat related issues as well as the signs and symptoms of heat related illness.
  • Indoor Air QualityThis session provides an overview of indoor air quality (IAQ) in the office environment. Topics include sources of IAQ problems, investigation and monitoring strategies utilized to identify common IAQ problems, and IAQ research and product development.
  • Injury and Illness Recordkeeping RequirementsThis session is for persons responsible for maintaining injury and illness records in accordance with 29 CFR 1904, Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. Topics include recordkeeping regulations and guidelines, Forms 300, 301, and 301A as well as the compliance directive Kentucky OSH utilizes to evaluate your records. A recordkeeping example workshop is part of the course, time permitting. This course offers Eastern Kentucky University – OSHA Training Institute Education Center® certification.
  • Introduction to ErgonomicsThis session provides participants with an introduction to ergonomics and Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD’s). Topics include disorders associated with ergonomic risk factors, the cost of CTD’s to employers and employees, and the elements of an effective ergonomics program. Additionally, case studies are utilized to demonstrate methods to recognize, evaluate, and control ergonomic problems.
  • Lead AwarenessThis session provides an overview of the hazards associated with lead and the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1025, Lead. Lead overexposure is one of the most common overexposures found in general industry and is a leading cause of workplace illness.
  • Lead In ConstructionThis session provides an overview of the hazards associated with lead exposures in a construction environment, testing, personal protective equipment, and the requirement established in 29 CFR 1926.62, Lead.
  • Lockout/TagoutThis session familiarizes participants with 29 CFR 1910.147, The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) and Kentucky specific requirements. The presentation demonstrates lockout and tagout methods relating to various hazardous energy sources associated with machinery, equipment, and processes used in industry. Topics include training requirements, documentation, hardware, and group lockout.
  • Machine GuardingThis session addresses 29 CFR 1910, Subpart O, Machinery and Machine Guarding and associated industry standards. Topics include point-of-operation safeguarding methods, safe operating procedures, and design expectations as well as inspection, maintenance, and training requirements.
  • Machine Guarding and Lockout/TagoutThis session will illustrate common guarding techniques and principles for machinery and equipment commonly found in a manufacturing environment. Specific standards in 1910 Subpart O, Machinery and Machine Guarding will be discussed. In addition, the course will familiarize participants with 29 CFR 1910.147 for the control of hazardous energy and Kentucky’s lockout/tagout standard, 803 KAR 2:309. It demonstrates the energy isolation methods relating to the various hazardous energy sources associated with machinery, equipment, and processes used in industry. Topics addressed include training requirements, documentation required, hardware, and group procedures and more.
  • Mechanical Power Press SafetyThis session addresses 29 CFR 1910.212, General Requirements for All Machines 1910.217, Mechanical Power Presses, 1910.219, Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus, and American National Standards Institute B11.1, Safety Requirements for Mechanical Power Presses. Participants will learn how to tell the difference between a full revolution press and part revolution press, understand the best guarding method for a mechanical power press, and minimum distance requirements.
  • Noise and Hearing ConservationThis session explains the composition of sound, the instrumentation and criteria used to determine excessive noise levels, the effects of noise on the hearing mechanism, personal protective equipment, and basic noise control. Other topics include hearing conservation requirements, employee exposure monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protection, employee training, and related recordkeeping.
  • Overview of Kentucky OSH ProgramThis session discusses the obligation to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards. Topics include Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program activity including enforcement and voluntary consultation services, as well as current safety and health topics.
  • Permit Required Confined SpaceThis session explains the confined space regulations. Topics include assessment of the confined space environment, entry into continuous system confined spaces such as sewers, entry into closed system confined spaces such as tanks and pits, emergency entry into all confined spaces, and training.
  • Personal Protective EquipmentThis session provides guidance for selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Topics include how to perform a hazard assessment to determine if hazards are present that necessitate the need for PPE.
  • Portable Hand and Powered Tool SafetyThis session addresses the hazards and regulations associated with 29 CFR 1910, Subpart P, Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment. Topics include electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, small tools as well as explosive actuated applications.
  • Powered Industrial TrucksThis session explains the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.178, Powered Industrial Trucks (PITs). Topics include the selection and use of gasoline, electric, and liquid petroleum gas PITs, battery charging, dock boards, safety provisions, traffic rules, safe operating procedures, inspection of PITs, and equipment found on PITs.
  • Respiratory ProtectionThis session explains occupational exposure limits and the methodology of controlling employee exposure to airborne chemicals. Topics include the various types of respiratory protection, the capabilities and limitations of respiratory protection, and the elements of a minimally acceptable respiratory protection program.
  • Safety Hazard RecognitionThis session provides instruction on the basic procedures to identify safety hazards in the workplace. It is intended for persons responsible for safety but have not yet developed expertise. The presentation is typically tailored to audience specific workplaces and operations.
  • Scaffolds and LaddersThis session promotes recognition and prevention of hazards associated with scaffolds and ladders. Topics include the use, maintenance, and inspection of various types of scaffolds and ladders.
  • SilicaThis session explains the requirements of the general industry and construction silica standard. Topics include exposure monitoring, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and employee training.
  • Slips, Trips, and FallsThis session increases participant's awareness of hazards that could result in a slip, trip, or fall. The presentation discusses methods of control to reduce the probability of a slip, trip, or fall.
  • Spray Finishing OperationsThis session addresses 29 CFR 1910.107, Spray Finishing Using Flammable and Combustible Materials and the requirements for spray booths, spray rooms, and spray areas in general industry.
  • Wage and Hour OverviewThis session is presented by the Department of Workplace Standards Division of Wages and Hours. This division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Kentucky’s laws related to minimum wage, overtime, rest and lunch breaks, payment of wages, recordkeeping, wage deductions, check stubs, and child labor.
  • Walking Working SurfacesWalking / working surface falls are among the leading causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. This session addresses standards established in 29 CFR 1910, Subpart D. Topics include general requirements, ladders, stairways, and fall protection methods.
  • Welding, Cutting, and BrazingThis session increases participant's knowledge of the processes and hazards associated with construction welding operations. Topics include the various types of welding processes such as oxy-acetylene, TIG, MIG, and open arc as well as personal protective equipment, hazard recognition and control, and Kentucky occupational safety and health requirements.