Consultative Survey
A consultative survey is a courtesy inspection (workplace evaluation) conducted at the specific request of an employer or employer representative. The purpose of a survey is to encourage and assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees by identifying workplace hazards and violations of the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program standards.
Surveys are conducted by the Division of Education and Training's occupational safety and health consultants who are experienced in identifying hazards related to such areas as machine safeguarding, electrical safety, fire prevention and protection, confined space entry, indoor air quality, respiratory protection, hearing conservation, and many other safety and industrial hygiene topics. The consultants are available to visit the workplace and identify safety and health hazards, discuss specific safety and health problems and concerns and assess the effectiveness of an employer’s safety and health program.
How do I request a free and confidential survey?
Employers seeking a consultative survey must complete a Consultative Survey Request.
The Division of Education and Training will not conduct a consultative survey of any workplace under citation by the
Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Division of Compliance. However, under certain circumstances, an abatement assistance visit may be conducted when the Division of Education and Training is assured the company is earnestly seeking assistance in correcting the violations. Also, the Division of Education and Training will not perform a consultative survey of a workplace involved in a labor dispute because observances of normal workplace activities are essential in determining hazards.
Consultative Survey Versus a Compliance Inspection
Although the format and objective of a compliance inspection and a consultative survey are basically the same, there are significant differences.
- A survey is conducted by the Division of Education and Training only upon written request by the employer or authorized company representative, whereas an enforcement inspection is conducted by the Division of Compliance without prior notice to the employer.
- Monetary penalties are not assessed for hazards identified by a consultant during consultative surveys; however, the employer agrees to correct all "SERIOUS HAZARDS" identified, whereas violations identified by the compliance officer may result in citations which have to be corrected and may be accompanied by penalties.
- All results of a survey are considered confidential in that the Division of Compliance does not have access to these files unless the employer refuses to correct any serious hazards identified during the survey.
- Employers are encouraged to have employee involvement in consultative surveys and discussion of the hazard.
Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Division of Compliance and the Division of Education and Training function independently of one another without sharing information relative to their activities. Therefore, a request for a consultative survey or any other service from the Division of Education and Training does not increase the possibility of a compliance inspection.
Technical Assistance
Occasionally, an employer will be unsure of how to correct a hazard or potential hazard due to the lack of the necessary technical expertise. In those instances where qualified staff resources are available, a technical assistance visit may be conducted on site to review the hazard then provide recommendations for correction.
Abatement Assistance Visit
Should an employer be cited for a workplace hazard by the Division of Compliance and need information on abatement options available, an abatement assistance visit may be conducted on site.
The Publications Office has on hand a wide variety of technical and informational publications on compact disc which are available to employer and employee groups on request. Copies of the compact disc may be obtained by contacting the Division of Education and Training (502) 564-4102, or
Technical Library
The Technical Assistance function also includes an extensive technical library for use by the Cabinet's Legal, Compliance and Education and Training staffs for research and information purposes. The public is welcome to use this library; however, the material may not be checked out.